Monday, February 15, 2010

Mount Vesuvius has nothing on me.

What a joy this week has been so far.

I took a picture of my hottie/biotch Architecture prof. Giovanna, for your viewing pleasure. This was during class one day. I'm pretty sneaky.

After a long 4-day week of classes, my friends and I needed to get out and par-tay on Thursday night. We went to a region of Rome called Trastevere, a hipitty hoppity place filled with night clubs and magic. We went to a bar called DJ Bar, and it was 1 euro shots night! Kory + 1 euro shots of tequilla = great fun for all!!!!

The bar was EXTREMELY crowded, but we made our way through the half and half italian and american crowd to the dungeon-like basement dance floor! While ordering my 5 shots at the bar, I met an Iowegian! Imagine my surprise! After insulting her state for a few minutes and downing my shots, Dana and Tim and I danced our hearts out. First on the dance floor, then on the chairs, then on the tables! But not just any tables... IKEA tables! I was so happy to be able to tell everyone that I was dancing on $7.99 IKEA end tables!

After the night of dancing, I woke up in the morning (in my own bed!) with confetti on the floor and streamers in my underwear. Nobody knows how or why.. Nevertheless, we had fun!

Friday was a chill day after party night. Along with the confetti and streamers, I also woke up to SNOW on the ground! That's right, SNOW! For the first time in Rome since 1985 (or 1965, depending on who you ask.) We went to the soccer fields and built two amazing snow people, and had a snow-covered orange fight. Friday night we made some new friends at JFRC! Kathleen, from St. Paul. I'm always happy to meet a fellow Minnesotan.

Saturday was the day-trip to Pompei (Pompeii in English, Pompei in Italian). It was neat to see, and interesting, but after you see a bunch of ancient ruins, they all start to look the same. Ancient, and ruined. The best part of Pompei was the body casts. It was awful to see the looks on the faces on the people. There is a part of the town called "Garden of the fugitives" where there were about 10 bodies all found together, at the wall of the city. It was sad.

It was fun during the day to tell Dana that Mt. Vessy was going to erupt again (it really is!- they predict a huge eruption that will send ash and lava in a radius of 7 km around Vessy!). But much to my dismay, it didn't. Another interesting part of the city is the brothel. The local prostitutes didn't speak Latin, so the men had to point at dirty pictures on the wall so the girl would know what they wanted. The pictures are still there, thank God, unharmed by Vessy.

Sunday we went to the flea market again and I bought Purple leggings for calcio! I can't wait to sport them on Wednesday. I also got two more doughnuts. They really are the best in Rome at this little restaurant near the market.

I did laundry today! And watched old videos of Tessa that were on my computer! Hey Tessa!

Finally, a not about Mensa, the cafeteria. I can't eat pasta ever again. I honestly vom at the sight of it. Today in Mensa I got hot dogs. I was eating one, and it smelled familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me. Beggin Strips dog treats. Oh joy. I couldn't eat the rest of my meal because my hands smelled like I just gave Tommy and Lola a treat (shout out to my neice and nephew!). I want Mexican food, Dunkin Donuts, Panera, Chipotle, Dairy Queen. I just can't take Pasta anymore.

Feel free to send me mail!
Kory Iverson
Via Massimi 114-A
Box 225
Roma, Lazio, Italia 00136

Ciao raggazi! A doppo!

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