Thursday, March 4, 2010



Well. What a span of time it has been since my last blog! I'm not sure where to begin.

I don't think anything rather exciting happened before Munich, plus I'm not sure I remember anything, so I'll skip straight to Munich. Ahhh Munich. LOVED IT. It was honestly the best place I've ever been to. First of all I am in love with German food. Sausages, pretzels, and the desserts. Oh lawdy. We stayed at Jaeger's hostel. Quite appropriate for me if I do say so. Dana and I were in a room with 6 other random people. Four of them were American girls studying in London, Dana's bunkmate was Lisa! A swedish girl who just got an internship in Munich, and My bunkmate was Rodrigo, a spanish-german guy going on a post-college (i think? i never actually met him, i just looked at his luggage.) tour of Germany. Lisa was fun. We talked about her like we were friends with her. The only interaction I had with Rodrigo was when he awkwardly waved at me one morning. He was a nice guy. I found him on facebook, and his pictures were rather sad. It was just him alone in front of various German monuments. Oh Roddy. Maybe we'll meet again someday. We went on a free tour of Munich, and then we also went on a Beer challenge! Our Austrian guide was Claudia and I, of course, loved her. During said beer crawl, I snapped a pretty amazing photo of one of my friends making out with one of the random London girls. I posted the picture on facebook when we got back, and, well, I'm a JFRC celebrity now! The Rome Center was "abuzz" as one of my loyal fans Margie said. They all loved my picture. I mean, I have some good photog skillz (see my facebook album titled "Claudia, I can't chug this in five minutes!"). In any case, Munich was great and I can't wait to go back someday.

This week was MIDTERMS. Oy vey. But I still made time to keep the fans happy and go play Calcio last night. There were quite a few injuries, not to me, and not caused by me. I helped my team by screaming "kill him!" "pull her pony-tail!" "break his OTHER arm!" "plow that hussey down!" and various other motivational chants. I didn't score any goals, but I scored a plethora of digits. {I was wearing my purple leggings ;) }

Today I had 3 midterms! First Film, which was a little tricky. Then Italian, which I aced. My proffy Nadia and I kinda have a little thing going. I mean, I'm not gonna say anything, but, you know. Today she said I got an A+ on my midterm, and I had just handed it in! She hadn't even looked at it. It's love. After Italian, I had my last one, History. It was essay, so, blah. But I sure chugged on through it, and prevailed (I hope).

Shout out to Mary DeMaria! Love you Babe!

OH! Tonight Dana and I discovered the JFRC elevator! I will now be using it to go ANYWHERE in the building if it requires stairs. It's a two person elevator, and there is no front door, so you could potentially lose your hand, foot, or face, depending on how close to the wall you are standing. And when it arrives on your chosen floor, it screeches to a halt. It's great. If you take it to the 2nd floor it drops you off in a bathroom! I'm not sure who built this thing, but this building used to be for nuns, and they sure were hilarious.

Well, this blog was brought to you by popular demand, and I do mean DEMAND. I will be boarding a flight to Madrid in about 4 hours! Madrid and Paris for spring break. Does it bother anyone else that you can't say spring break oh-___ anymore?? I'll still say oh-ten!

In other news, I got an egg and cheese panini from Nella today, and when she gave it to me, she said mmm num yumm yum yum yum. I almost peed my pants. She wants me.



  1. I almost peed my pants after reading this. You're going to be a legend. I can feel it. And I DEMAND a picture of you in your purple leggings.

  2. Holy crap kid you are too funny. Don't let it go to your head though. And where is my postcard from Munich!?!?!

  3. WHO ARE YOU?!? I can't blog after this. I just can't.
