Saturday, January 30, 2010



This week was fun, until I realized yesterday that I have to read 400+ pages before Tuesday!

Wednesday morning I had my first on-site class downtown. We met at the Pantheon, and learned a little bit about it and the building techniques, then we had to draw it! After the Pantheon, we went to a building that is only about 4 years old and we also had to draw that. I'm still not quite sure what exactly we will be working towards in this Architecture class, but I do enjoy it.

On Wednesday night there was a mass and dinner downtown that we went to. The mass was in this really old church in the middle of downtown Rome. The priest, Father Al, is a prof at the JFRC and he came around introducing himself before mass started. He got to me, and I said my name is Kory, and he said Kory as in Cory Feldman? or how about Corey Haim? and I just laughed and he said "oh thanks, is that old?" and I said "REALLY old!" and thus began a great friendship. He then wouldn't talk to me and he kept snubbing me and at communion, he said "Body of Christ, KORY" with a hint of "KORY you little brat." So mass was nice, and my History prof played the organ for it.

After mass we went to dinner at a restaurant across the street. I sat at the table next to the Dean of Students, two of my professors, and, you guessed it, Father Al. During dinner he kept saying "I hope you are all having a great time over there... except Kory." Dinner was amaaazing. First they brought out small appetizers like bread, mozzarella balls, black olives, meatballs, bruschetta, mushrooms, peas, etc. Then came pasta, then roast beef and potatoes, and for desert we had fruit and pancake-like cookies. During dinner my table only got one bottle of wine while the others got 2, so we were throwing a fit, and we eventually got another bottle from another table after being told by the waiter that our teacher didn't want us to have more than one. The next day in class during attendance, the teacher that was sitting at the table next to us called my name, and then said "so you got your bottle of wine then?" I really like that the profs are all involved here, it's great.

On Thursday we went out for Manak's birthday, and I had my first Roman Cheeseburger. It was good, and their fries are a lot better than in the states. After the restaurant, we went to a pub where they played only Shakira. All in all it was a success. Friday consisted of reading. and more reading. and more reading. And then going to Trastevere to a gelateria and a bar that had real Italian kids our age!

Last night I also found out that I am on the "Purple" calcio team. It also has all the people that I love on it, and a real Irishman! Practice starts on Wednesday night, so I have to go to the flee market tomorrow to get some shoes and shorts.

Today we are going to the Keats home/ museum by the Spanish steps. Oh and I'm also doing laundry for the first time! hoorah.

Ciao Regazzi.


  1. You should scan your drawings and post them!

  2. I agree, would love to see your drawings... and I hope you chipped off a piece of the Pantheon for me ;)

  3. That would be called vandalism Jessica, which is illegal. We don't want to see Kory on "Locked Up Abroad!"

  4. NEW ONE!!! (Sound familiar?) ;)

  5. Of course I would never want Kory to vandalize my FAVORITE building in Rome!! That's why it was a joke! And Kory - you haven't had a new post all week!!! What in the world have you been up to??
