Monday, January 25, 2010


Oy vey. I tried to wait two days to blog again, but it feels like it already has been two days. Time goes slow here. Yesterday I tried to go shopping with some friends, but everything was closed because it was Sunday. It's such a different life here! God forbid I wanted some granola bars and nutella. They make THE BEST nutella croissants in the cafe here. Oh lord. They are my new chocolate long johns.

I only had one class today! It was Italian and my profa is so funny! Her name is Nadia and she always tells me how my name doesn't exist in Italian. They don't even have the letters K or Y in their alphabet! But today we had to go around the class and say random countries from the book and the nationalities that go with those countries, and wouldn't you know it, I got Canada! So I learned that in italian, Canada is "Canada" and Canadian is "Canadese." So bravissimo. Hopefully I get an A. I tried helping Dana with her Italian homework today, but she's kind of a lost cause, so we'll see where we end up by the end of the semester. We had an Italian speaking partner party tonight and we met some Italians who are studying at the local university, so it's like we help them with English and they help us with Italian, although they know English much better than I know Italian. All I have learned so far is "mi chiamo kory" and "dove la fermata del autobus" also my favorite word is "basta!" I say it all the time. It's like "stop, enough!" in English.

My books were $185 dollars this semester! Not bad! I was still like, ughhh this is so much! but then I remembered that last semester I payed nearly 800 so i reminded myself that it could be worse.

It's raining here today and I'm not too happy about it.

Ciao Regazzi!

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