Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Deutschland, ja!

Okie dokie... where to begin.

Last week was pretty relaxed after spring break. I got my Italian midterm back and I got 100%! Nadia was thrilled to say the least. My relationship with her has grown immensely over the past week. One might say we're lovers.

In Italian film genre, we watched a wonderfully uplifting movie called General Della Rovere in which EVERYONE DIES. On wednesday we had onsight architecture class in Trastevere. It was hilarious. We were fifteen minutes late but Giovy was on the phone so it was "va bene" all around. We had to draw some fascist youth housing complex which was pretty neat. At the drawing, a girl finished hers and then asked Giovy if she could add anything to the drawing and Giovy said "start over." She only gets nicer as the weeks go by. She has also worn the same shirt three weeks in a row. OH! side note- We found out that Giovy may have a hermy daughter. One of my friends is her english tutor and "Agnese" calls herself a boy, and so does her dad, but Giovy always says "my daughter." It shall remain a mystery.

This week we also learned that Giovy doesn't speak english very well. She adds unnecessary S's on words, and leaves them off where they should be. She also speaks in the past tense about present things. ex: "I will need to done this again." We always say "no, giovy, you mean do, DO this again." I am going to offer to correct her english for an A in the class. We had our midterm for this class on thursday night where we showed off our drawings. Everyone was getting ripped apart (Dana had "something very, very wrong" going on with her drawing) but mine was "Perfect." I don't mean to brag, and I'm not going to insinuate that I'm having an affair with Giovy, but I'm pretty sure she loves me. I was the example on the perfect amount of detail. I was like, yeah. She tore apart this girl Elizabeth's drawing saying that Elizabeth free-handed it when she actually used a ruler. It was a funny class.

On friday we embarked for Frankfurt! All the flight attendants speak German to me and English to Manak and Dana. It was fun. We stayed at the Best Western (Best Veestern to the Germies) and on our first night roaming the city I saw my first crack-doing! It was pretty cool, and right after, a homeless woman giggled at us. I also ate rhubarb stuff so that was good.

The second day I woke up and Dana immediately punched me in the face. I bled all over my sheets. We then went to get haircuts! At a turkish hair place called the "golden schere." I sat down and said "spreichen sie English?" and he said no, only french, german and turkish. So, naturally, I got a nazi haircut because of the language barrier. Oy vey. I'm getting used to it now.

We also went to a sex shop! and I had apfelwein (not at the sex shop). It was a good trip. It was no Munich, but not really comparable either. Frankfurt is a nice place. Germans are funny.

On monday I had Italian again and, honestly, Nadia has the hots for me. She walked by me while I was in the lunchline, and didn't say anything, so I said "ciaoooo nadia!" and she just smiled coyly. And she always talks about me to the rest of the class, and always gets unnecessarily close to me when she talks to me in class. Today in the lunch line Dana said my name and I turned around while simultaneously screaming WHAT!?!? and Nadia was right there and she laughed and laughed at me. She said "oh kory is sooo nice person!" and I was like oh Nadia, you hottie you. And when she walked away she got REALLY close to my face and said "what!?!?" I love her.

My professora for Lit is in the states this week, so we had a sub named Dr. Janice Fine. First of all, read that name. Janice Fine. Then picture the most Jewish person you can think of. Huge schnoz, puffy puffy hair, a voice like fran drescher. But in the middle of the class she says "by the way, I'm Jewish." We're like uhh Ya think??! I love her though. She's hilarious. Dana and I call her Jannie and we look up to her.

On a sad note, the elevator that I love so much is no longer working. RIP ellie.

On a lighter note, Mensa now has cream cheese!

To sum things up, I'm going to London on friday and I found Nella in the Rome phonebook.

ciao amici


  1. 1. I did not punch you, my hand slipped while attempting to suffocate you with the pillow.
    2.Janice Fine is the most amazing Jew in the world. I'm so glad she got her own paragraph in your blog.
    3. I miss Ellie too. Maybe we can get it working again by blackmailing Todd Waller with his little on-going affair with Carla.

  2. your blog is so good. i feel like i'm there with you

  3. I laughed so hard when I read that Dana punched you in the face. I just pictured you waking up and "pow, right in the kisser!" And I agree with Mitch- your blog is by far the best I've ever read! Glad to hear you are having a good time there bro.
